Bracknell Conservation Volunteers

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Direction to the Sites

Below is a complete list of all the Bracknell Forest sites we have worked at, including directions, location maps and suggestions for car parking.

OR you can navigate using our new google map of sites

A test page showing a map of trees in Wicks Green and Silver Jubilee Field, Binfield

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Site Directions Google Map links Streetmap links
Allsmoor Lane and Pond Park in Lydbury and take footpath towards Tesco, to where it crosses Allsmoor Lane track. For Allsmoor Pond turn right onto Allsmoor Lane and walk for about 200 yards streetmap
Ambarrow Court Off the A321 in Little Sandhurst googlemap streetmap
Ashmore Lane Off A330. From Nuptown Lane/Hawthorne Lane drive down Hogoak Lane. Park on Hogoak near the Ashmore Lane track streetmap
Beedon Drive Off Ringmead, Great Hollands streetmap
Berrybank Berrybank is the 3rd turning on right down Yorktown Road streetmap
Big Wood Big Wood is next to Peacock Meadows North. Meet at Jennetts Park, Swift Fields Car Park googlemap streetmap
Bill Hill Park in (1)Rectory Close - off Conningsby, or (2)Saffron Road or The Green off Rectory Lane googlemap streetmap
Binfield Footpaths 4 and 6 Park in layby along Wicks Green, off Terrace Road North (south of the Jack-o-Newbury pub) streetmap
Binfield Footpath 11 Park at Popes Meadow car park on St Marks Road. Walk westerly across the meadow to Murrell Hill Lane. Turn left on the lane and Footpath 11 is almost immediately on your right streetmap
Blackmoor Pond The pond is accessible from Bowyer Walk or Sutherland Chase in North Ascot streetmap
Bluebell Hill Park on Hamlet Street off Shakespeare Way. Towards the end of Hamlet Street the road crosses a footpath/cycleway. Walk down this path to Edmunds Green and the site is on the left streetmap
Bucklers Forest Car Park off Old Wokingham Road googlemap streetmap
Cabbage Hill Usual meeting place is Jocks Lane Car Park. The Cabbage Hill car park on the south side of Forest Rd is usually full of dog walkers but may be an alternative. googlemap streetmap
Caesars Camp Street parking off Ringmead. Walk south along the cycle track that bisects Northcott and Orion. Cross over Nine Mile Ride and follow the track immediately opposite which brings you to Caesars Camp streetmap
Chaucer Woods Park in Fielding Gardens off Chaucer Road, Crowthorne streetmap
Church Hill Park There is limited roadside parking. Please car share/cycle/walk where possible streetmap
Clintons Hill You can park in the Lily Hill car park. Clintons Hill is across Lily Hill Road to the left streetmap
Domesday Copse From Downshire Way turn left immediately after the Premier Inn (Twin Bridges) onto Wildridings Road. Turn right and follow the road round to the left and up the hill a bit. The car park for Domesday Copse is on the right streetmap
Edmunds Green and Lane Park on Hamlet Street off Shakespeare Way in Warfield. Towards the end of Hamlet Street the road crosses a footpath/cycleway. Walk down this path to the right and the site is approx 80m on the right. Or park in Innings Lane. Meet by South Lodge on Jigs Lane South googlemap streetmap
Englemere Pond Englemere car park is off Swinley Road, Ascot googlemap streetmap
Evenlode Way From Bracknell direction along Rackstray Road (A3095), take first exit at roundabout on to Evenlode Way, then first left into Humber Way where there is roadside parking streetmap
Farley Copse Roadside parking on Tippets Mead googlemap streetmap
Farley Wood Community Centre On-site Car Park off Turnpike Road streetmap
Farningham Ride Roadside parking on Mendip Road between Axbridge and Oareborough junctions. Alternative parking in Nuthurst streetmap
Friendship Way Park in Rectory Close or Coningsby (or Brakenhale Open Learning car park). We can meet at the bus stop near Bill Hill and walk the underpass to cross Downshire Way A322 streetmap
Frog Copse Park in Frog Lane streetmap
Frost Folly Car park on Wellers Lane, Warfield googlemap streetmap
Garth Meadows Garth Meadows is the field adjacent to Harvest Ride. Usual parking at Jocks Lane but Larks Hill could be an alternative depending on where we are working googlemap streetmap
Garth Pond You can park in Larks Hill car park. Walk along Harvest Ride (Binfield direction) and go over roundabout. Garth Pond is on the right hand side googlemap streetmap
The Greenway Park in Sandhurst Sports Centre (GU47 0SD) Car Park off Owlsmoor Road. The wood is to the east, past the tennis courts streetmap
Harvest Hill From Harvest Ride, park in Walsh Avenue/ or right turn into Rachels Lake View (where the ranger may open the field gate for parking on the grass). Alternatively from Westmorland Drive park in Gloucestershire Lea streetmap
Hayley Green Wood Hayley Green Wood is located across playing fields off Westmorland Drive, Warfield. Car parking is available at Westmorland Park Pavilion, Westmorland Drive googlemap streetmap
Hitherhooks Hitherhooks is a small copse between Jocks Lane and Hitherhooks Hill. Park on Jocks Lane (or Hitherhooks Hill) streetmap
Horseshoe Lake Take A321 to Sandhurst. Turn into Lower Church Road by the church and follow for 1/2 mile. Left at T-junction into Mill Lane and entrance to car park is on the right after a short distance googlemap streetmap
Jennetts Hill Park at the car park near the school and community centre, off Falcon Way streetmap
Jocks Copse Second copse along Boltons Lane, Binfield. Preferred parking in the public car park off Jocks Lane. googlemap streetmap
Langton Lane footpath Langton Lane is just off Peacock Lane. The closest parking is down Lovelace Road and left at the roundabout streetmap
Larks Hill Larks Hill car park is off Harvest Ride googlemap streetmap
Lily Hill Park Main car park is off Lily Hill Road googlemap streetmap
Lily Hill Park - Starch Copse Meet in car park next to the Running Horse pub googlemap streetmap
Longhill Park The car park is off Long Hill Road googlemap streetmap
Maybrick Close Park in Maybrick Close, off the A321 in Little Sandhurst streetmap
Napier Wood From Crowthorne High Street, take Napier Road. Napier Wood is about 100 yards on the left. If there are no parking spaces then try Upper Broadmoor Road and walk through the woods streetmap
Neuman Crescent Take Babbage Way off South Hill Road and turn left at the T-junction (one way) and then left into Neuman Crescent. Follow the crescent round and the site is in the corner on the left streetmap
Newt Reserve Park in Flemish Place streetmap
Nightingale Triangle The site is at the junction of Nightingale Crescent with Firlands. You can park in Firlands googlemap streetmap
Nine Mile Ride - Madingley Park in Madingley, off Ringmead streetmap
Nine Mile Ride - Quintilis Meet at Quintilis streetmap
Northerams Wood Park at Great Hollands allotments carpark, on Ringmead opposite Wheatley. Cross busway and walk over the green to the woods behind. Go over the stile into the woods and fork to the left to find the pond streetmap
Osmans Close The entrance to the site is at the end of Osmans Close. There is parking available at Carnation Hall and then walk up Chavey Down Road to Osmans Close streetmap
Peacock Meadows The meadows are between Peacock Lane and the A329 Berkshire Way. Meet at Jennetts Park, Swift Fields Car Park googlemap streetmap
Piggy Wood Entrance to Piggy Wood is in Newport Drive. Park in Larks Hill car park googlemap streetmap
Popes Meadow off St Marks Road, Binfield googlemap streetmap
Quelm Lane Park at Larks Hill car park. Its one of the footpaths nearby streetmap
Savernake Park Off Savernake Way, Forest Park streetmap
School Hill Take Crowthorne Road towards Sandhurst. Turn right at traffic lights into Longdown Road. Follow the road round to the left and then turn left into School Hill, parking at the end streetmap
Shepherd Meadows Off the A321 in Sandhurst just north of The Meadows superstores. Meet at the Shepherd Meadows car park off the roundabout situated half way between the A30 London Road and Yorktown Road streetmap
Scotts Hill Park in Drovers Way streetmap
Snaprails Park Park on Wellington Road and walk up the footpath to Snaprails Park googlemap streetmap
South Hill Park Park at far end of car park behind the Arts Centre. Take the footpath and follow to the left through the trees. We are usually somewhere near the pond behind the main house googlemap streetmap
South Hill Park (Hillberry) This is towards the back of South Hill Park where we park in Hillberry streetmap
Tarmans Copse Meet at Blackcap Lane. There is alternative parking nearby in Tawny Owl Square googlemap streetmap
Temple Copse There is an entrance off Dunford Place googlemap streetmap
The Chestnuts From Harvest Ride, turn into Julius Hill, then take first right streetmap
The Parks Parking at The Parks Community Centre, 8-10 Nicholson Park googlemap streetmap
Tinkers Copse Park in the carpark at Jocks Lane. There may also be parking in Boltons Lane googlemap streetmap
Warfield Footpath 23 Meet at Warfield Memorial Ground car park, off Osborne Lane streetmap
Warfield Chase Park in car park on the right at the end of Westmorland Drive streetmap
Wentworth Way Woods Meet in car park at Ascot Jubilee Recreation Ground at the end of Goaters Road, North Ascot googlemap streetmap
West Garden Copse Within Peacock Meadows. Park at Swift Fields car park googlemap streetmap
Westmorland Park Park in car park on the right at the end of Westmorland Drive googlemap streetmap
Whitegrove Copse Opposite Warfield School on Harvest Ride. We usually park in Top Common. From Harvest Ride turn into Westcott Green, then left into Top Common. The entrance to the Copse is at the bottom of the 4th cul-de-sac on the left (after the traffic calming chicane, and is signed "27-41 Top Common") googlemap streetmap
Wick Hill Meet in Lakeside opposite site entrance streetmap
Wildmoor Heath Park in the main Wildmoor car park googlemap streetmap
Wildmoor - South Road Park in South Road off the A3095 Rackstraw Road. We will be working along the footpath heading west streetmap
Wildmoor - Footpath 18 Coming out of Crowthorne turn left at the traffic lights into Pinehill Road and head for the end of the road streetmap
Wildmoor - Spring Woods From Crowthorne Road turn into Greenways, then left at junction with Beech Ride and then right into Spring Woods streetmap
Winkfield - Footpath 8 Park in front of Winkfield church, or at the back of the White Hart pub. The footpath is about 100 yards down Church Road towards Braziers Lane streetmap
Winkfield - Footpath 19 Footpath that runs from the back of Cheval Stud on Pigeonhouse Lane, Winkfield. Go through the entrance gate, passed the out buildings and park at the back by the fields streetmap
Worlds End Meet at the far end of Hope Avenue (entrance between 61 and 40 Hope Avenue) streetmap
Wykery Copse Park in the vicinity of the junction of Butler Drive with Browning Copse googlemap streetmap